Our way of

INTERFER takes responsibility for people, for nature, and future generations.

Our Way Of

To this end, INTERFER set out on the path to sustainability back in 2022 to precisely define its goals, activities, and measures. We also strive to achieve long-term goals aligned with our stakeholders' expectations. Our sustainability strategy is primarily based on the guidelines of the European Corporate Social Reporting Directive and was developed in collaboration with experts. 

To ensure that we accurately identify the most relevant sustainability topics, we have carried out a double check of materiality. This allows us to understand better which aspects are important to INTERFER and our stakeholders. These material sustainability issues form the basis for our strategy and provide us with a clear guide for our efforts.

At INTERFER, we firmly believe that sustainability is not only an obligation but also an opportunity. By committing to sustainability, we can not only help protect our environment and society but also ensure the long-term success of our company. We are proud to be walking this path and look forward to taking you with us on our journey.

Stakeholder Dialog

Strategic and sustainable stakeholder management and dialog with stakeholders are of interest to INTERFER. We want to precisely understand the needs of relevant stakeholder groups and involve them in decision-making processes. In this way, we want to expand our relationships with our stakeholders.

We are aware that our decisions and actions have an impact on all our stakeholders. We strive for continuous and targeted communication with them. Through open dialog, we want to ensure that the voices of our stakeholders are heard and that their valuable input is incorporated into our decision-making processes. 

INTERFER is in regular contact with its stakeholders through its management and employees. Numerous opportunities and formats such as technical discussions and expert panels, surveys, and analyst, and bank meetings are used for this purpose.

INTERFER initiated a consultation process with stakeholders in the second quarter of 2023 with the strategic aim of making the benefits transparent for stakeholders inside and outside the company. As a result, we have defined our key topics and organized them into the following major fields of action:

Employees Legislator Authorities Organisations Associations Banks Insurances Experts Shareholders Suppliers Customers

The Fields Of Action Of Our Sustainability Strategy

Our sustainability strategy features defined fields of action that summarize the main topics of our commitment. We regularly evaluate these areas of action. To do so, we consider the perspectives of internal and external stakeholders as well as the impact of our actions on the environment and society.

  • Climate protection thanks to "Green Steel"

    Climate change and its consequences are already affecting our society and companies today. The manufacture of iron and steel products has an impact on people and the environment. We are taking on the associated challenges and are working on offering more CO2-reduced products and more sustainable services. 

    We have set ambitious climate targets to reduce environmental risks: INTERFER is committed to reducing its absolute Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions by 42 % by 2030, from a base year 2022. Our science-based targets have been submitted to the Science Based Targets Initiative (sciencebasedtargets.org).

    Even if it is not possible to produce steel in a CO2-neutral way: For this very CO2-intensive material in particular, a reduction of up to 50 % is already possible today compared to the usual emission values on the market and is available in our portfolio for long and flat products as well as alloys for steel production.

  • Involving and empowering employees

    INTERFER values and supports all its employees, because our committed and qualified employees make a decisive contribution to the success of our company. That is why we promote employee satisfaction. In addition to fair remuneration and flexible working time models, we also offer further training and qualification programs. We also develop individual offers to balance work and private life.

    INTERFER's corporate culture is a trusting and respectful relationship between employees, customers, and business partners. In the areas of training and development, health and safety, diversity, and equal opportunities, we develop measures to further promote successful cooperation.

    At INTERFER, continuous employee training is essential to acquire up-to-date specialist knowledge and to master digital technologies. Each subsidiary has its guidelines to support professional development. In addition, individual training plans are created that focus on digitalization, product knowledge, and sustainability.

  • Serving people

    For INTERFER, sustainable corporate governance means holistic and integrative management, control, and monitoring that serves people, respects the environment and at the same time maintains a productive, long-term effective company.

    INTERFER has recognized that its long-term corporate success can only be guaranteed if the necessary but increasingly scarce human and material resources are preserved.

    Our policy for responsible action is based on international laws, standards, and principles. On this basis, certain companies and countries can also be excluded from our business relationships. 

    INTERFER has effective procedures in place to ensure that our company complies with applicable laws and acts by the formal agreements to which it has committed itself.

  • Quality as a guideline

    At INTERFER, we stand by our promise to deliver quality products. We take our responsibility seriously and are committed to ensuring that the products we supply meet the specified quality standards.

    INTERFER sources products that meet European, international, or customer specifications. Our technical department ensures compliance with the agreed standards. 

    We use a variety of methods to check the quality of our products. Our dedicated team of technical, purchasing, and order-processing professionals works to meet our customers' expectations in terms of quality, service, and cost targets. 

    At INTERFER, tested factory certificates are standard.

  • Acting responsibly

    As an internationally active company, we see it as our social responsibility to respect the environment and people along our value chain. We are committed to identifying potential risks and minimizing them responsibly. INTERFER maintains long-term and trusting partnerships with suppliers and manufacturers worldwide. We aim to record and manage the environmental impact along our value chain. We do this in close cooperation with our business partners, particularly about our products, logistics, and distribution networks.

    We expect ourselves and our business partners along the entire value chain to take all necessary measures to minimize environmental risks. We also continuously review, develop, and adapt these measures. We are now conducting detailed analyses of our typical supply chain for steel products, including materials, transportation routes, and suppliers.